Xhevrie Mamaqi
Doctora en Economía por la Universidad de Zaragoza. Su investigación transcurre en los últimos 24 años especializándose en métodos y análisis cuantitativo-cualitativo de datos económicos y diversos fenómenos sociales con mayor impacto en campos tan importantes: análisis y predicciones económicas datos micro a nivel de empresa (performance, estrategias, teoría de recursos y capacidades, economía de educación y formación, economía de mercado laboral. Con más de 1200 horas de formación profesional.
Practica la docencia desde 2006 en la Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Economía y Empresa.
2016-2022–Departamento de Análisis Económico
- Matemáticas 1 y 2 (grados ADE y DADE)
- Microeconomía 1 y 2 (grados ADE, MIM y Economía)
- Introducción a la Economía (todos los grados)
- Econometría I (ADE, Marketing) Econometría II (FICO, Economía)
- Métodos Econométricos para la Investigación (Marketing)
2007-2015–Departamnto de Historia y Estructura de Economía
- Materias: Métodos cuantitativos para la economía y empresa (Estadística i y II) y Técnicas multivariantes.
2006-2007 y 2022-2023 Departamento de Organización de Empresa
- Materias. Organización, Política de Empresa, Gestión y Organización de la empresa Alimentaria, Gestión de la Empresa Deportiva.
2017-2018 Docencia en máster: Máster en Marketing Digital y Comercio
- Electrónico, UNIR (Universidad Internacional de la Rioja).
- Dirección de 29 trabajos fin de máster, más de 100h en formación docente e impartición de diferentes cursos de formación de profesorado.
Durante 23 años de forma continua participa en grupos de investigación y proyectos de nivel regional, nacional e internacional, así como de transferencia de investigación. Desde 2014 con un especial enfoque en investigación en el análisis de Big Data y Science Análisis y su impacto en sociedad y especialmente empresas y la transformación de competencias digitales.
Publicaciones académicas de Xhevrie Mamaqi
Capítulos de libro
- 2023 Bandrés E., Mamaqi X,Gender stereotypes in the local police that assists women who file a complaint for gender violence, In Gender Studies in Times of Threat “New Challenges for the Future”. ISBN 978-84-1377-327-8. Editorial Dykinson SL.
- 2022 Mamaqi X, Bandrés E, Pérez R.,Big Data analysis of public opinion on immigration in social networks. In Economy, Business and Justice. New Challenges for the Future”. ISBN 978-84-1377-326-1. Editorial Dykinson SL.
- 2021 Mamaqi Kapllani X.,Learning Analytics and Implications for e-Learning: a case study analysis on adaptive tutoring. In “E-Learning Teaching in the university environment. A 360” approach. Editorial Arnzandi.
- 2020 Mamaqi X., Marta-lazo C.,Measurement of the digital dividetheDigital gap between digital skills and employability in vulnerable groups: what skills to measure and how to assess them?(Egregius book chapter).
- 2019 Mamaqi X., Miguel. HA,Human Capital and Business Performance: An empirical Approach Using Structural Equation Modelling. In «Human performance Technology: Concepts, methodologies, Tools and Applications”. 617-629.ISBN:9781522583561 Editorial IGI Global Book.
- 2018 Lope, Vidal, mamaqi X,Dataification, big data and artificial intelligence in communication and in the economy. In “Information quality in the era of digitization: professional foundations vS. Infopopulation” ISBN 978-84-9148-670-1. (eds, Dykinson, Marta-Lazo, C).
- 2016- Mamamqi X,Multidimensional construct in learning motivation. A comprehensive analytical framework. In «University Educations» (ed) Mc Graw Hill, 2016.
- 2014-Mamaqi X., Miguel J., The student-centered learning model: an approach using multivariate techniques. In: «UPDATE OF NEW EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS», Chapter XIV 251-271. ISBN: 978-84-15705-16-1, (ed) Spain, Visión net.
- Mamaqi X., Miguel J,.The non-student centered learning model: a quantitative approach through the application of multivariate techniques. In:NEW UPDATE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS”Chapter VIII, p. 175-192, (Ed) Publisher Porto, MEDIA XXI Publishing, ISBN: 978-989-729-118-0.
- Mamaqi X., Miguel J.The model focused on student-centered learning: A quantitative approximation using multivariate technique. In: “UPDATING EDUCATIONS SYSTEM:INNOVATION IN EDUCATION SERIE, (Ed) Palm Beach Florida (USA), Chapter XIV, pp. 159-173, ISBN: 978-1-312-18804-4.
- 2008- Mamaqi X., Albisu L.M.,The effect of competitive advantage on the economic performance of Spanish agrofood industry. In: “Agroffod System Dynamics and innovations in food Networks”, (Eds): Fritz, U. Rickert, G. Schiffer, ISBN: 978-3-932887-96-3.
- 2009- Mamaqi X., Moreno JMThe effectiveness of e-Cognocracy. In: «Visioning and Engineering the Knowledge Society: A web science perspective», Lectr Note in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI/LNCS) Vol, 5736, pp. I417-426, ISBN: 978-3-642-04753-4.
- 2001- Mamaqi Meza L.,X, Albisu LM., The Agrifood Industry in Aragon Competitiveness and Business Strategies, WORKING PAPER, 01/03, pp. 1-123, Agrifood Research Service (CITA-Agrifood Electronic Repository, Government of Aragon).
Artículos científicos
- 2023: Carrus L., Mamaqi-X., Managing Accident Prevention in Ski Resorts: Participants’ Actual Velocities in Slow Zones. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20(7):5302 DOI:10.3390/ijerph20075302
- 2020: Mamaqi K., Mamaqi X.,Virtual community and the relational profile of the millennial traveler: the case of euroviajar.International Review of Communication and Marketing Mix (IROCAMM), Vol 2(3). 62-81.(ISSN 2605-0447)
- 2020: Lope, Mamaqi and Vidal. Artificial Intelligence: theoretical challenges, formative and communicative datafication. ICON 14, Vol 18(1), 58-88. (ISSN: 1697-8293)
- 2016–Employment and rate of return to education for highly qualified personnel” (Under review).
- 2015–Mamaqi X, “The efficiency of different ways of informal learning on firm performance: a comparison between classroom, web 2 and workplace training”. Computers in Human Behavior”, Vol, 51, pp. 812-820. ISSN 0747-5632.
- 2015–Carraresi L, Mamaqi X, Albisu LM., Banterle A., “Can strategic capabilities affect performance? Application of RBV to small food businesses”. Agribusiness: An international journal, ISSN: 1520-6297. doi/10.1002/agr.21451
- 2014–Mamaqi X., Human Resources and Business Result: An empirical Approach Based on the RBV theory. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial, Vol 8(5),pp.1546-1552. Online Edition:https://www.waset.org/Publications/?path=Publications&q=mamaqi&se arch=Search
- 2014-Mamaqi X., Miguel J., Human Capital and Business Performance: An empirical approach using Structural Equation Modeling. International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 5 (2), pp. 20-32, ISSN: 2010-3778.
- 2012–Mamaqi X, J.Miguel, Olave P, ¿What impact does have training on employment stability? International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 28 (6) pp. 1257-1265.
- 2012–Carraresi L, Mamaqi X, Albisu LM, Banterle A, Strategic capabilities performance: an applications of resource based view I Italian food SMEs. System Dynamics and Innovations in Food Networks, Vol. 6, pp.184-198.
- 2011–Mamaqi X, Miguel J., “The professional profile of continuing education trainers in Spain”, Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation (RELIEVE)”, Vol 17(1), art 2, ISSN 1134-4032. Online Edition.http://www.uv.es/RELIEVE/v17n1/RELIEVEv17n1_2.htm.
- 2011–Mamaqi X, J.Miguel, Olave P., “Evaluation of the importance of professional competencies: the case of Spanish trainers” On the horizon,Vol.19(3) pp. 174-187, ISSN 1074-8121:http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/10748121111163887.
- 2011–Mamaqi X, Miguel J, Olave P., “The relationship between training and employability”, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 5(8), pp.1022-1026:https://www.waset.org/Publications/?path=Publications&q=mamaqi&se arch=Search.
Publicaciones académicas de Xhevrie Mamaqi
Capítulos de libro
- 2023 Bandrés E., Mamaqi X,Gender stereotypes in the local police that assists women who file a complaint for gender violence, In Gender Studies in Times of Threat “New Challenges for the Future”. ISBN 978-84-1377-327-8. Editorial Dykinson SL.
- 2022 Mamaqi X, Bandrés E, Pérez R.,Big Data analysis of public opinion on immigration in social networks. In Economy, Business and Justice. New Challenges for the Future”. ISBN 978-84-1377-326-1. Editorial Dykinson SL.
- 2021 Mamaqi Kapllani X.,Learning Analytics and Implications for e-Learning: a case study analysis on adaptive tutoring. In “E-Learning Teaching in the university environment. A 360” approach. Editorial Arnzandi.
- 2020 Mamaqi X., Marta-lazo C.,Measurement of the digital dividetheDigital gap between digital skills and employability in vulnerable groups: what skills to measure and how to assess them?(Egregius book chapter).
- 2019 Mamaqi X., Miguel. HA,Human Capital and Business Performance: An empirical Approach Using Structural Equation Modelling. In «Human performance Technology: Concepts, methodologies, Tools and Applications”. 617-629.ISBN:9781522583561 Editorial IGI Global Book.
- 2018 Lope, Vidal, mamaqi X,Dataification, big data and artificial intelligence in communication and in the economy. In “Information quality in the era of digitization: professional foundations vS. Infopopulation” ISBN 978-84-9148-670-1. (eds, Dykinson, Marta-Lazo, C).
- 2016- Mamamqi X,Multidimensional construct in learning motivation. A comprehensive analytical framework. In «University Educations» (ed) Mc Graw Hill, 2016.
- 2014-Mamaqi X., Miguel J., The student-centered learning model: an approach using multivariate techniques. In: «UPDATE OF NEW EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS», Chapter XIV 251-271. ISBN: 978-84-15705-16-1, (ed) Spain, Visión net.
- Mamaqi X., Miguel J,.The non-student centered learning model: a quantitative approach through the application of multivariate techniques. In:NEW UPDATE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS”Chapter VIII, p. 175-192, (Ed) Publisher Porto, MEDIA XXI Publishing, ISBN: 978-989-729-118-0.
- Mamaqi X., Miguel J.The model focused on student-centered learning: A quantitative approximation using multivariate technique. In: “UPDATING EDUCATIONS SYSTEM:INNOVATION IN EDUCATION SERIE, (Ed) Palm Beach Florida (USA), Chapter XIV, pp. 159-173, ISBN: 978-1-312-18804-4.
- 2008- Mamaqi X., Albisu L.M.,The effect of competitive advantage on the economic performance of Spanish agrofood industry. In: “Agroffod System Dynamics and innovations in food Networks”, (Eds): Fritz, U. Rickert, G. Schiffer, ISBN: 978-3-932887-96-3.
- 2009- Mamaqi X., Moreno JMThe effectiveness of e-Cognocracy. In: «Visioning and Engineering the Knowledge Society: A web science perspective», Lectr Note in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI/LNCS) Vol, 5736, pp. I417-426, ISBN: 978-3-642-04753-4.
- 2001- Mamaqi Meza L.,X, Albisu LM., The Agrifood Industry in Aragon Competitiveness and Business Strategies, WORKING PAPER, 01/03, pp. 1-123, Agrifood Research Service (CITA-Agrifood Electronic Repository, Government of Aragon).
Artículos científicos
- 2023: Carrus L., Mamaqi-X., Managing Accident Prevention in Ski Resorts: Participants’ Actual Velocities in Slow Zones. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20(7):5302 DOI:10.3390/ijerph20075302
- 2020: Mamaqi K., Mamaqi X.,Virtual community and the relational profile of the millennial traveler: the case of euroviajar.International Review of Communication and Marketing Mix (IROCAMM), Vol 2(3). 62-81.(ISSN 2605-0447)
- 2020: Lope, Mamaqi and Vidal. Artificial Intelligence: theoretical challenges, formative and communicative datafication. ICON 14, Vol 18(1), 58-88. (ISSN: 1697-8293)
- 2016–Employment and rate of return to education for highly qualified personnel” (Under review).
- 2015–Mamaqi X, “The efficiency of different ways of informal learning on firm performance: a comparison between classroom, web 2 and workplace training”. Computers in Human Behavior”, Vol, 51, pp. 812-820. ISSN 0747-5632.
- 2015–Carraresi L, Mamaqi X, Albisu LM., Banterle A., “Can strategic capabilities affect performance? Application of RBV to small food businesses”. Agribusiness: An international journal, ISSN: 1520-6297. doi/10.1002/agr.21451
- 2014–Mamaqi X., Human Resources and Business Result: An empirical Approach Based on the RBV theory. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial, Vol 8(5),pp.1546-1552. Online Edition:https://www.waset.org/Publications/?path=Publications&q=mamaqi&se arch=Search
- 2014-Mamaqi X., Miguel J., Human Capital and Business Performance: An empirical approach using Structural Equation Modeling. International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 5 (2), pp. 20-32, ISSN: 2010-3778.
- 2012–Mamaqi X, J.Miguel, Olave P, ¿What impact does have training on employment stability? International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 28 (6) pp. 1257-1265.
- 2012–Carraresi L, Mamaqi X, Albisu LM, Banterle A, Strategic capabilities performance: an applications of resource based view I Italian food SMEs. System Dynamics and Innovations in Food Networks, Vol. 6, pp.184-198.
- 2011–Mamaqi X, Miguel J., “The professional profile of continuing education trainers in Spain”, Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation (RELIEVE)”, Vol 17(1), art 2, ISSN 1134-4032. Online Edition.http://www.uv.es/RELIEVE/v17n1/RELIEVEv17n1_2.htm.
- 2011–Mamaqi X, J.Miguel, Olave P., “Evaluation of the importance of professional competencies: the case of Spanish trainers” On the horizon,Vol.19(3) pp. 174-187, ISSN 1074-8121:http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/10748121111163887.
- 2011–Mamaqi X, Miguel J, Olave P., “The relationship between training and employability”, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 5(8), pp.1022-1026:https://www.waset.org/Publications/?path=Publications&q=mamaqi&se arch=Search.