Xhevrie Mamaqi

Dra. Xhevrie Mamaqi
Dra. Xhevrie MamaqiDoctora en Economía
Licenciada en economía, Máster en marketing y Doctora en Economía por la Universidad de Zaragoza.


Doctora en Economía por la Universidad de Zaragoza. Su investigación transcurre en los últimos 24 años especializándose en métodos y análisis cuantitativo-cualitativo de datos económicos y diversos fenómenos sociales con mayor impacto en campos tan importantes: análisis y predicciones económicas datos micro a nivel de empresa (performance, estrategias, teoría de recursos y capacidades, economía de educación y formación, economía de mercado laboral. Con más de 1200 horas de formación profesional.


Practica la docencia desde 2006 en la Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Economía y Empresa.

2016-2022Departamento de Análisis Económico


  • Matemáticas 1 y 2 (grados ADE y DADE)
  • Microeconomía 1 y 2 (grados ADE, MIM y Economía)
  • Introducción a la Economía (todos los grados)
  • Econometría I (ADE, Marketing) Econometría II (FICO, Economía)
  • Métodos Econométricos para la Investigación (Marketing)

2007-2015Departamnto de Historia y Estructura de Economía 

  • Materias: Métodos cuantitativos para la economía y empresa (Estadística i y II) y Técnicas multivariantes.

2006-2007 y 2022-2023 Departamento de Organización de Empresa 

  • Materias. Organización, Política de Empresa, Gestión y Organización de la empresa Alimentaria, Gestión de la Empresa Deportiva. 

2017-2018 Docencia en máster: Máster en Marketing Digital y Comercio

  • Electrónico, UNIR (Universidad Internacional de la Rioja).
  • Dirección de 29 trabajos fin de máster, más de 100h en formación docente e impartición de diferentes cursos de formación de profesorado.


Durante 23 años de forma continua participa en grupos de investigación y proyectos de nivel regional, nacional e internacional, así como de transferencia de investigación. Desde 2014 con un especial enfoque en investigación en el análisis de Big Data y Science Análisis y su impacto en sociedad y especialmente empresas y la transformación de competencias digitales.

Publicaciones académicas de Xhevrie Mamaqi

Capítulos de libro

  1. 2023 Bandrés E., Mamaqi X,Gender stereotypes in the local police that assists women who file a complaint for gender violence, In Gender Studies in Times of Threat “New Challenges for the Future”. ISBN 978-84-1377-327-8. Editorial Dykinson SL.
  2. 2022 Mamaqi X, Bandrés E, Pérez R.,Big Data analysis of public opinion on immigration in social networks. In Economy, Business and Justice. New Challenges for the Future”. ISBN 978-84-1377-326-1. Editorial Dykinson SL.
  3. 2021 Mamaqi Kapllani X.,Learning Analytics and Implications for e-Learning: a case study analysis on adaptive tutoring. In “E-Learning Teaching in the university environment. A 360” approach. Editorial Arnzandi.
  4. 2020 Mamaqi X., Marta-lazo C.,Measurement of the digital dividetheDigital gap between digital skills and employability in vulnerable groups: what skills to measure and how to assess them?(Egregius book chapter).
  5. 2019 Mamaqi X., Miguel. HA,Human Capital and Business Performance: An empirical Approach Using Structural Equation Modelling. In «Human performance Technology: Concepts, methodologies, Tools and Applications”. 617-629.ISBN:9781522583561 Editorial IGI Global Book.
  6. 2018 Lope, Vidal, mamaqi X,Dataification, big data and artificial intelligence in communication and in the economy. In “Information quality in the era of digitization: professional foundations vS. Infopopulation” ISBN 978-84-9148-670-1. (eds, Dykinson, Marta-Lazo, C).
  7. 2016- Mamamqi X,Multidimensional construct in learning motivation. A comprehensive analytical framework. In «University Educations» (ed) Mc Graw Hill, 2016.
  8. 2014-Mamaqi X., Miguel J., The student-centered learning model: an approach using multivariate techniques. In: «UPDATE OF NEW EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS», Chapter XIV 251-271. ISBN: 978-84-15705-16-1, (ed) Spain, Visión net.
  9. Mamaqi X., Miguel J,.The non-student centered learning model: a quantitative approach through the application of multivariate techniques. In:NEW UPDATE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMSChapter VIII, p. 175-192, (Ed) Publisher Porto, MEDIA XXI Publishing, ISBN: 978-989-729-118-0.
  10. Mamaqi X., Miguel J.The model focused on student-centered learning: A quantitative approximation using multivariate technique. In: “UPDATING EDUCATIONS SYSTEM:INNOVATION IN EDUCATION SERIE, (Ed) Palm Beach Florida (USA), Chapter XIV, pp. 159-173, ISBN: 978-1-312-18804-4.
  11. 2008- Mamaqi X., Albisu L.M.,The effect of competitive advantage on the economic performance of Spanish agrofood industry. In: “Agroffod System Dynamics and innovations in food Networks”, (Eds): Fritz, U. Rickert, G. Schiffer, ISBN: 978-3-932887-96-3.
  12. 2009- Mamaqi X., Moreno JMThe effectiveness of e-Cognocracy. In: «Visioning and Engineering the Knowledge Society: A web science perspective», Lectr Note in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI/LNCS) Vol, 5736, pp. I417-426, ISBN: 978-3-642-04753-4.
  13. 2001- Mamaqi Meza L.,X, Albisu LM., The Agrifood Industry in Aragon Competitiveness and Business Strategies, WORKING PAPER, 01/03, pp. 1-123, Agrifood Research Service (CITA-Agrifood Electronic Repository, Government of Aragon).

Artículos científicos

  1. 2023: Carrus L., Mamaqi-X., Managing Accident Prevention in Ski Resorts: Participants’ Actual Velocities in Slow Zones. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20(7):5302 DOI:10.3390/ijerph20075302
  2. 2020: Mamaqi K., Mamaqi X.,Virtual community and the relational profile of the millennial traveler: the case of euroviajar.International Review of Communication and Marketing Mix (IROCAMM), Vol 2(3). 62-81.(ISSN 2605-0447)
  3. 2020: Lope, Mamaqi and Vidal. Artificial Intelligence: theoretical challenges, formative and communicative datafication. ICON 14, Vol 18(1), 58-88. (ISSN: 1697-8293)
  4. 2016Employment and rate of return to education for highly qualified personnel” (Under review).
  5. 2015Mamaqi X, “The efficiency of different ways of informal learning on firm performance: a comparison between classroom, web 2 and workplace training”. Computers in Human Behavior”, Vol, 51, pp. 812-820. ISSN 0747-5632.
  6. 2015Carraresi L, Mamaqi X, Albisu LM., Banterle A., “Can strategic capabilities affect performance? Application of RBV to small food businesses”. Agribusiness: An international journal, ISSN: 1520-6297. doi/10.1002/agr.21451
  7. 2014Mamaqi X., Human Resources and Business Result: An empirical Approach Based on the RBV theory. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial, Vol 8(5),pp.1546-1552. Online Edition:https://www.waset.org/Publications/?path=Publications&q=mamaqi&se arch=Search
  8. 2014-Mamaqi X., Miguel J., Human Capital and Business Performance: An empirical approach using Structural Equation Modeling. International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 5 (2), pp. 20-32, ISSN: 2010-3778.
  9. 2012Mamaqi X, J.Miguel, Olave P, ¿What impact does have training on employment stability? International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 28 (6) pp. 1257-1265.
  10. 2012Carraresi L, Mamaqi X, Albisu LM, Banterle A, Strategic capabilities performance: an applications of resource based view I Italian food SMEs. System Dynamics and Innovations in Food Networks, Vol. 6, pp.184-198.
  11. 2011Mamaqi X, Miguel J., “The professional profile of continuing education trainers in Spain”, Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation (RELIEVE)”, Vol 17(1), art 2, ISSN 1134-4032. Online Edition.http://www.uv.es/RELIEVE/v17n1/RELIEVEv17n1_2.htm.
  12. 2011Mamaqi X, J.Miguel, Olave P., “Evaluation of the importance of professional competencies: the case of Spanish trainers” On the horizon,Vol.19(3) pp. 174-187, ISSN 1074-8121:http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/10748121111163887.
  13. 2011Mamaqi X, Miguel J, Olave P., “The relationship between training and employability”, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 5(8), pp.1022-1026:https://www.waset.org/Publications/?path=Publications&q=mamaqi&se arch=Search.

Publicaciones académicas de Xhevrie Mamaqi

Capítulos de libro

  1. 2023 Bandrés E., Mamaqi X,Gender stereotypes in the local police that assists women who file a complaint for gender violence, In Gender Studies in Times of Threat “New Challenges for the Future”. ISBN 978-84-1377-327-8. Editorial Dykinson SL.
  2. 2022 Mamaqi X, Bandrés E, Pérez R.,Big Data analysis of public opinion on immigration in social networks. In Economy, Business and Justice. New Challenges for the Future”. ISBN 978-84-1377-326-1. Editorial Dykinson SL.
  3. 2021 Mamaqi Kapllani X.,Learning Analytics and Implications for e-Learning: a case study analysis on adaptive tutoring. In “E-Learning Teaching in the university environment. A 360” approach. Editorial Arnzandi.
  4. 2020 Mamaqi X., Marta-lazo C.,Measurement of the digital dividetheDigital gap between digital skills and employability in vulnerable groups: what skills to measure and how to assess them?(Egregius book chapter).
  5. 2019 Mamaqi X., Miguel. HA,Human Capital and Business Performance: An empirical Approach Using Structural Equation Modelling. In «Human performance Technology: Concepts, methodologies, Tools and Applications”. 617-629.ISBN:9781522583561 Editorial IGI Global Book.
  6. 2018 Lope, Vidal, mamaqi X,Dataification, big data and artificial intelligence in communication and in the economy. In “Information quality in the era of digitization: professional foundations vS. Infopopulation” ISBN 978-84-9148-670-1. (eds, Dykinson, Marta-Lazo, C).
  7. 2016- Mamamqi X,Multidimensional construct in learning motivation. A comprehensive analytical framework. In «University Educations» (ed) Mc Graw Hill, 2016.
  8. 2014-Mamaqi X., Miguel J., The student-centered learning model: an approach using multivariate techniques. In: «UPDATE OF NEW EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS», Chapter XIV 251-271. ISBN: 978-84-15705-16-1, (ed) Spain, Visión net.
  9. Mamaqi X., Miguel J,.The non-student centered learning model: a quantitative approach through the application of multivariate techniques. In:NEW UPDATE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMSChapter VIII, p. 175-192, (Ed) Publisher Porto, MEDIA XXI Publishing, ISBN: 978-989-729-118-0.
  10. Mamaqi X., Miguel J.The model focused on student-centered learning: A quantitative approximation using multivariate technique. In: “UPDATING EDUCATIONS SYSTEM:INNOVATION IN EDUCATION SERIE, (Ed) Palm Beach Florida (USA), Chapter XIV, pp. 159-173, ISBN: 978-1-312-18804-4.
  11. 2008- Mamaqi X., Albisu L.M.,The effect of competitive advantage on the economic performance of Spanish agrofood industry. In: “Agroffod System Dynamics and innovations in food Networks”, (Eds): Fritz, U. Rickert, G. Schiffer, ISBN: 978-3-932887-96-3.
  12. 2009- Mamaqi X., Moreno JMThe effectiveness of e-Cognocracy. In: «Visioning and Engineering the Knowledge Society: A web science perspective», Lectr Note in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI/LNCS) Vol, 5736, pp. I417-426, ISBN: 978-3-642-04753-4.
  13. 2001- Mamaqi Meza L.,X, Albisu LM., The Agrifood Industry in Aragon Competitiveness and Business Strategies, WORKING PAPER, 01/03, pp. 1-123, Agrifood Research Service (CITA-Agrifood Electronic Repository, Government of Aragon).

Artículos científicos

  1. 2023: Carrus L., Mamaqi-X., Managing Accident Prevention in Ski Resorts: Participants’ Actual Velocities in Slow Zones. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20(7):5302 DOI:10.3390/ijerph20075302
  2. 2020: Mamaqi K., Mamaqi X.,Virtual community and the relational profile of the millennial traveler: the case of euroviajar.International Review of Communication and Marketing Mix (IROCAMM), Vol 2(3). 62-81.(ISSN 2605-0447)
  3. 2020: Lope, Mamaqi and Vidal. Artificial Intelligence: theoretical challenges, formative and communicative datafication. ICON 14, Vol 18(1), 58-88. (ISSN: 1697-8293)
  4. 2016Employment and rate of return to education for highly qualified personnel” (Under review).
  5. 2015Mamaqi X, “The efficiency of different ways of informal learning on firm performance: a comparison between classroom, web 2 and workplace training”. Computers in Human Behavior”, Vol, 51, pp. 812-820. ISSN 0747-5632.
  6. 2015Carraresi L, Mamaqi X, Albisu LM., Banterle A., “Can strategic capabilities affect performance? Application of RBV to small food businesses”. Agribusiness: An international journal, ISSN: 1520-6297. doi/10.1002/agr.21451
  7. 2014Mamaqi X., Human Resources and Business Result: An empirical Approach Based on the RBV theory. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial, Vol 8(5),pp.1546-1552. Online Edition:https://www.waset.org/Publications/?path=Publications&q=mamaqi&se arch=Search
  8. 2014-Mamaqi X., Miguel J., Human Capital and Business Performance: An empirical approach using Structural Equation Modeling. International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 5 (2), pp. 20-32, ISSN: 2010-3778.
  9. 2012Mamaqi X, J.Miguel, Olave P, ¿What impact does have training on employment stability? International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 28 (6) pp. 1257-1265.
  10. 2012Carraresi L, Mamaqi X, Albisu LM, Banterle A, Strategic capabilities performance: an applications of resource based view I Italian food SMEs. System Dynamics and Innovations in Food Networks, Vol. 6, pp.184-198.
  11. 2011Mamaqi X, Miguel J., “The professional profile of continuing education trainers in Spain”, Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation (RELIEVE)”, Vol 17(1), art 2, ISSN 1134-4032. Online Edition.http://www.uv.es/RELIEVE/v17n1/RELIEVEv17n1_2.htm.
  12. 2011Mamaqi X, J.Miguel, Olave P., “Evaluation of the importance of professional competencies: the case of Spanish trainers” On the horizon,Vol.19(3) pp. 174-187, ISSN 1074-8121:http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/10748121111163887.
  13. 2011Mamaqi X, Miguel J, Olave P., “The relationship between training and employability”, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 5(8), pp.1022-1026:https://www.waset.org/Publications/?path=Publications&q=mamaqi&se arch=Search.